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  • About two weeks ago, I somehow contracted Herpes Zoster, affectionately known throughout the world as shingles.

    Jacob Dickerman: Who Needs Health Reform? 2009

  • This seems a very indelicate thing to talk about on Beauty Tips, but as the cold sore derives from Herpes Zoster, such a treatment may be beneficial.

    Hideous Facial Disfigurements PeaceBang 2006

  • Evan B. came to me with a condition of Herpes Zoster or better known as Shingels, after the first treatment he did not feel any more pain on the area that was treated with the laser and even though the next day he had another breakout on a different part of his body, I followed the same procedure as the first time and the rashes are beginning to heal. - Articles related to H1N1 drugs made available: DMO 2010

  • Evan B. came to me with a condition of Herpes Zoster or better known as Shingels, after the first treatment he did not feel any more pain on the area that was treated with the laser and even though the next day he had another breakout on a different part of his body, I followed the same procedure as the first time and the rashes are beginning to heal. - Articles related to H1N1 drugs made available: DMO 2010

  • Allison Hayes-Conroy Shingles, or Herpes Zoster, is an infectious disease that effects nearly twenty percent of the US population at some point in their lives.

    Serendip's Exchange - 2009

  • The problem: A combination of medical and lifestyle interventions has been found to stave off the onset of Herpes Zoster (the technical term for shingles), a virus that translates into painful lesions and affects 20 percent of people over age 50.

    Lead Stories from AOL 2009

  • I can't be too sure about this as I only checked on the internet to know more about Herpes Zoster, but her skin has blister-like rashes just like the pictures.

    Mothering Corner 2008

  • White and Asian Children at Higher Risk of Herpes Zoster

    Newswise: Latest News 2010

  • White and Asian Children at Higher Risk of Herpes Zoster

    THE MEDICAL NEWS Editors 2010


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